This article does not treat buffers directly, but rather two operations that are commonly performed with buffers: filling a buffer with a value and copying between buffers and various containers.
This article treats memory buffers in C++, but with two twists: first, the buffers are generic, which means they can contain typed data. Second, the buffers are as efficient as their hosted type and the host operating system allows, in every aspect.
Provides a full featured ByteBuffer implementation using typed arrays.
Short company information and a detailed list of the adventures they have published.
Manufactures ozone contact tanks, vacuum tanks, fuel tanks, and water tanks.
A debug heap for *nix. Captures buffer overwrites, memory leaks, stale pointers, most buffer underflows, and can provide statistics on block sizes.
Recoil Buffers and Mag Cinch for automatic rifles and pistols.
Selection of floor buffers, polishers, scrubbers, and accessories.
Looks at how lock-free programming avoids system failure by tolerating individual process failures.
Provides storage tanks for the petroleum, water, and chemical industries. Products include aboveground and underground tanks, oil water separators, water tanks, polyetheylene, plastic and stainless steel tanks.
Directory of Canadian and international public policy think tanks.
Designs and manufactures equipment for the movement and placement of propane tanks. Products include truck booms, tank trailers, and tank dollies.
Includes a review as well as cast and crew information.
Provide GRP storage tank service and modifications, including tank installation, tank repair, and Xerxes tank recertification. [San Carlos, California]
Supplies new and used tanks and silos; on-line searching facility.
Erection, sales and service of bolted and welded storage tanks.
Manufactures day tanks, generator base tanks, and meter panels.
Sells above ground storage tanks, underground storage tanks and accessories.